Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Room is a book about a man named Old Nick, and what he does is take a woman and put her in this shed in his backyard. When this woman is in this shed she gives birth to a baby boy. This boy named Jack thinks that the only things that are real are the things inside this shed considering he's never been outside of it before.Jack and his mother do however have thing, like a stove, sink, bed, wardrobe, TV, and Sunday treats. Sunday treats are when Old Nick comes by on Sundays and gives the two groceries.

Room starts on Jack's fifth birthday. Since Jack is getting older, I predict that eventually he will get to the point where he sneaks out of the shed for one night when Old Nick comes by to take out the garbage. My reasoning for this is that Jack has no idea what it is like outside, and the only interaction he has had with the outside world is a TV he has in this shed, and a couple of rodents and bugs that Jack has seen. Sadly for Jack though, old Nick hates Jack, so Jack has to sleep in the wardrobe where Old Nick can't see him.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why I read

I read, because I am supposed to read for class work. I just don't like to read, I think it is boring and a waste of time. Also reading doesn't entertain me that much. The only books I do like to read are mystery books, or books by Yann Martel. People say that reading enhances your mind, but I don’t think it does that much, because reading I think is just talking to yourself in your head, but with a planned out story. Also sometimes I am too busy to read. I’d much rather pick a book to read than to be assigned a book to read for a class, because usually the books that teachers give me I end up not liking at all. I do like however that books are now starting to become available on devices like kindles and iPads and iPhones. I think that one of the main reasons that I don’t like to read is because I can’t usually find a book that I am that into. If anything I think books are a really good way to fall asleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Calling the Shots

Calling the shots is about a teenage boy named Sean and his friends try to make the next big cheap horror movie of the century. Sean  and his friends have experience in movie making, all throughgout the summer they have make short films just for fun, not planning on doing anything big with them. The movie isn't the only thing that is on Sean's friends' mind however, they are also trying to find Sean a girlfriend hoping it will take his mind off this big movie idea.Unlike his friends the movie is the only thing that Sean wants to think about or do, nothing else matters.

Much like any other director there has been a laundry list of problems that have popped up here and there. One of these problems that Sean and his faced was of course a financial issue, that is why they need to make it as cheap as possible, also they are just teenagers, how are they supposed to get a couple thousand dollars in a matter of weeks? Another one of the issues that Sean and his friends faced is that they only have until the end of the summer to make this movie, and the book takes place in late July to early August only giving them a little under one month to create this movie.And like any other teen with a crazy idea the friends had to face all the mocking and the "you can't make a movie, you're just a kid" remarks from adults, neighbors, and other kids from their town. Do Sean and his friends end up making the movie? Well you'll just have to find out.