Thursday, December 12, 2013

post 3: PSA for Room

Jack and Ma have to not only live, but survive in this shed, even when Old Nick cuts out the power. This can relate to the Cleveland kidnapping in 2002. Three women (Amanda Berry, Georgina “Gina” Dejesus, and Michelle Knight) were kidnapped by an Ariel Castro sometime in between 2002 and 2004 and weren’t found until May 6, 2013. Just like in Cleveland, Ma was kidnaped, but for only 7 years, not 9 years like in Cleveland. In Room it says “All these years, I kept him safe”, and in the beginning of the book, it says “Today I am five. I was four last night going to sleep in wardrobe, but when I wake up in bed in the dark I’m changed to five, abracadabra.” This shows that Jack has been in Room for all of his life, and Ma must have been in there longer.

Also the two don’t have top best living conditions, all they have is a bed, a wardrobe, a TV with only a couple of channels, a sink, a bath, a minimal amount of clothes, and just a few books. This is just like some people’s lives all around the world that have nothing but some clothes and a cardboard sign that says “Homeless and hungry”. In Room, Old Nick says that “You two are grateful “, compared to some people, this is true but what they have is not five-star quality, it is things that could’ve been picked out of a junkyard, or bought for a couple of dollars on E-bay.

 If you donate $15 than you can help raise awareness for people who have to live like this. Also if you donate $30 you can come to one of our facilities and see what it is like to live like one of these people for a whole week. Everyday hundreds of people die from an unstable or no home, or are kidnapped by someone. Don’t let these good people lose their homes, or even their lives. If you make a pledge today than you can receive a shiny medal, and t-shirt saying you donated to save a life, for every $5 you donate, your name is put in a basket where you can win amazing raffle items such as a free trip to the Bahamas, or a 3-D plasma screen TV.

 The first 100 people who donate $50 or more can receive a free gift from a wide selection of gift cards, household appliances, Apple and Android devices, or even a free two week trip to Las Vegas. Our toll free lines are open 24/7 and all you have to do to donate is either come visit one of our facilities, or you can mail us the amount of money you want to donate with your name, number, and street address. It only takes a little bit of money out of your pocket to save someone’s life, or to get them into a stable living environment. If you come to one of our facilities, than you can learn how to build a shed, survive a week in very poor living conditions, feel what it’s like to be kidnapped, try to escape from a kidnapper, you can meet someone who has actually been kidnapped, or has very poor living conditions, and you can even adopt a family, or a child who doesn’t have much to anything at all. Also for every visit to one of our facilities, your name gets put in a raffle where you can win a free trip to Africa where you can live with a family that doesn’t have much.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


In Room I like how it is written like it could happen to anybody at any time. I think that the book is very interesting, and makes want to keep reading just to see what happens next. I think that Room meets my expectaions, because there is a lot of humor, a little bit of action, and a little bit of suspense thrown into the book. Right now in the book Ma and Jack are just starting to hatch their master plan to escape Room.

Post 2:What is a book?

A book is in my opinion an adventure on paper. I believe that a book has the ability to entertain a reader, or in some cases, put them to sleep. I agree with Joe Meno when he says "A book, a novel, a short story, even a comic book, needs us to complete the action," I think that a book is nothing until the reader lets the book open up into a new world that has a mix of details from the book and the readers imagination. In my opinion reading an e-reader, Kindle, or an iPad is not the same as reading a real book. One reason is that when I finish a book I like to have the pleasure of slamming a book shut when I’m done, and I can’t do that on a device. One trade-off however is that getting a book off of the iTunes store is a little cheaper than going to the library or store and buy one. I do and don’t agree with Tom Piazza when he says “if there’s no future for books, there’s no future…” I agree with him, because some people prefer books over e-readers, because one book is far cheaper than one e-reader. But I also disagree, because some people prefer e-readers because they are more portable, and they use the modern day technology. I like what Nancy Jo Sales was trying to say, but I disagree with her when she says “I don’t think books will ever disappear” With technology growing, at a point in time I do believe that books will be just like dust, ignored and forgotten. When Victor LaVelle says “Most of the books on your bookshelves might be beautifully designed, and not exactly cheap, but they’re no more divine than a toaster.” I think he is trying to say that there is nothing special about books, but is your imagination that makes the story special.