Monday, January 27, 2014


I think readicide is affecting schools, because with each generation more and more kids start to not enjoy reading. I think that schools should teach literary fiction, but I also think that with every literary fiction book the school reads they should throw in a commercial fiction novel. This teaches the students the difference between the two types of novels, and they students still get the literary fiction, and a book that the student probably likes better. Also when a student is has to read a specific book for class, they usually not liking it because they didn’t choose it, someone chose it for them. I think a 21st century English book should have the right amount of humor, drama, action, and should have a little bit of suspense to keep the student reading. These are some things that students like to read about nowadays, and if more books were like this, than more people would probably like to buy more books. Also not every student likes the same type of book. If one book had more of a variety of themes in it than another, the book with more variety might sell better, because more and more people would be able to relate and there would be parts of the book with a theme that the reader especially likes. Also I think one reason why some people choose one book over another is because of the size. A good 21st century book probably wouldn’t have a ton of pages under one cover, but it would probably be broken up into a series, this way the books are smaller, and more people would want to motivate themselves to finish the whole series. A 21st century book would also probably be written by a popular author that a lot of people know like Stephen King, this way fans of his books would want to read another book written by him.

Let me off at the top! English 1A

Let me off at the top is a memoir about the life of Ron Burgundy. Without even openning the book I could tell it was probably going to be funny, one reason in being it is a memoir by Ron Burgundy, another reason is that ron says "I wrote on hell of a book!" Also on the back of the book, it says "My name is Ron Burgundy and what you have in your hands is a very big deal. It's my life. It's my words. It's my gift to you. On the inside of the book it is filled with pictures of "Lucretia. My finest broadsword" "Sir Humphrey. The greatest gamecock that ever enterdd a cockpit" "My great friend who I never shut up about, Lance Bullwright." "Ancient dinosaurs like the tyrannosarus rex terrorize the first mexican peoples." and more!

I only got to finish the first chapter, but what I've read so far is just Ron Burgundy talking about why he is writing a book, and the struggles of writing a book. The hard cover book also comes with a poster of Ron Burgundy's famous mustache. At one point in the first chapter Ron Burgundy shares a conversation he had with himself to help him think about what he's like. One thing that makes this book funnier than most books is that it is written from the perspective of ron Burgundy, not Will Farrell.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Argo Bell 1

Argo is about the American embassy being attacked by the Iranians, in this process six people were able to escape from the commotion, and find refuge at the Canadian embassy. The whole book and movie is about getting these people out of Tehran. The CIA has brainstormed ideas, but nothing good comes to mind. One night Kevin Harkins (Tony Mendez) talks to his son on the phone while watching planet of the apes on tv. Tony then gets an idea where if the CIA and Hollywood worked together to put together a fake movie and sneak the six Americans out of Tehran and into a safe zone in Turkey.

The CIA says that this is their "Best worst idea" and that they don't really have any other better option. The book is much more detail oriented than the movie, so the book is a bit slower than the movie. I recommend seeing the movie over reading the book, because I think the movie is easier to understand, and has a better flow to it. What makes the book and the movie interesting is that it is a true story. Everything that happened in the book and movie takes place in the 1970's, but the reason this story wasn't introduced until 2012 is because the CIA has been keeping it a secret from the American people.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog post 5 Best sellers

 Some challenges a filmmaker would have making the book into a movie would be to find the right destination and all of the Iranian- speaking actors. One thing that would have to be changed making Argo into a movie would be to not make it so detailed. In the movie, when the Americans escape the American embassy it never shows one large group breaking off into two, and the press conference and script-reading comes in the middle movie.I feel that the movie has a better flow to it than the book.

One scene that must be kept in Argo is the beginning scene where the Iranians attack the American embassy. This is how the movie starts, and I think it is very vital that this is the movie, because if the embassy was never attacked, then there would be no reason for the Americans to be saved, and there will be no Argo.Also it would need to keep the scene where the two groups of Americans escape and look for help. In this movie, this scene is kept, but it is altered. In the movie there is only one group that you see escape the embassy, and they never split up.One last scene that should be put in the movie is when the two groups break off and one of the groups get caught by the Iranian militia. I think it would be very interesting to see another group of Americans try to escape the embassy but get caught by the Iranians. This would show the big risk of trying to slip past the Iranians.

 One part that should be kept out of the movie is in the beginning when Mendez is painting in his house. This scene has hardly any importance in the book, so I don't think that it would have any more importance in the movie.Also another part that should be kept out of the movie out is When the CIA tries to convince Mendez to join the CIA. I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring this up in the movie, but I don't think that this should be it's own scene in the movie.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Room: final blog

Jack and Ma do eventually escape Room by composing a two-part plan to trick Old Nick. How the plan went is that the first part consisted of Jack pretending he was sick. How Ma and Jack pulled this off is by covering his face in hot towels, smear vomit on his clothes, face coughing, and not bathing. The second part of the plan was Jack pretending to be dead. How they dd this was Ma wrapped Jack in a rug and acted like died by some disease. This would cause Old Nick to go bury him. But once Jack would get into Old Nick's truck and made a stop, he jumped out and instantly looked for help.

Jack did find a man who helped him. Jack and the stranger got contacted with the police who found Old Nick and arrested him, the police also found Old Nick's shed and freed Ma. Jack and Ma then stay at a hospital where they get all new clothes, food, water, toys, and where Jack meets his grandparents and his uncle. Because Jack his spent his entire life in this shed, he has no idea what the real world is like, so all he wants to do in this hospital us stare out the window and watch a little cat in the alley and watch cars drive past. Ma tries to take Jack outside, but that doesn't last for long until Jack gets petrified and wants to go back inside.