Monday, January 27, 2014


I think readicide is affecting schools, because with each generation more and more kids start to not enjoy reading. I think that schools should teach literary fiction, but I also think that with every literary fiction book the school reads they should throw in a commercial fiction novel. This teaches the students the difference between the two types of novels, and they students still get the literary fiction, and a book that the student probably likes better. Also when a student is has to read a specific book for class, they usually not liking it because they didn’t choose it, someone chose it for them. I think a 21st century English book should have the right amount of humor, drama, action, and should have a little bit of suspense to keep the student reading. These are some things that students like to read about nowadays, and if more books were like this, than more people would probably like to buy more books. Also not every student likes the same type of book. If one book had more of a variety of themes in it than another, the book with more variety might sell better, because more and more people would be able to relate and there would be parts of the book with a theme that the reader especially likes. Also I think one reason why some people choose one book over another is because of the size. A good 21st century book probably wouldn’t have a ton of pages under one cover, but it would probably be broken up into a series, this way the books are smaller, and more people would want to motivate themselves to finish the whole series. A 21st century book would also probably be written by a popular author that a lot of people know like Stephen King, this way fans of his books would want to read another book written by him.


  1. A fair point. People these days are too focused on the big picture, rather than taking the time to enjoy a good book!

  2. I agree that schools should include more modern fiction with the classic novels. There should just be one or the other because then you eliminate lots of impactful novels.
