Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Book 3 review

Let Me Off At The Top! By Ron Burgundy is a fictional memoir obviously about Ron Burgundy. I recommend this book to anyone who is mature enough to handle the excessive swearing and the multiple genital references. Also anyone who likes the Anchorman movies or just anyone who like to read an easy book and laugh. The book is filled with hilarious chapter titles, one of the chapters is called My Hair and another one is How to Survive a Prison Riot. Also the book has a sub-plot where Ron Burgundy thinks that his neighbor stole his leaf blower, and he is trying to figure out why he won’t give it back.

On the cover of the book Ron Burgundy says “I wrote a hell of a book.” Not even finishing the first chapter Ron has spoken true of this statement. Ron Burgundy is an amazing author, and the best author that doesn’t really exist. How Ron wrote the book is that it sounds like Ron Burgundy is talking to you, also his writing style makes you want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person, and not just a fictitious person in a movie. Ron Burgundy has no limits to what he says in his book Let Me Off At The Top!

Lauren Wheeler has another feeling toward this book,” Is this the best book in the whole world? No. Will you enjoy it? Probably. Should you give it a chance? Yes. They’ve done studies- this book works 60% of the time, every time.” She also says, “This memoir is not for someone who is easily offended; Burgundy has insensitivity toward everyone. If you aren't a rich, white man, Burgundy is going to say something offensive and stereotypical about you.” Wheeler’s review can be agreeable to a certain extent, in which Ron Burgundy can be pretty offensive at some parts of the book, but Ron Burgundy doesn’t have an insensitivity toward everyone, just a lot of people. It would be like saying 60% of people like pizza, so everybody likes pizza.

I you asked 100 people what they thought the theme of this books was you would get 100 different responses, but if you would ask Ron Burgundy, his reply would probably go something like, “Take my advice, and you just might make it somewhere in life.” There are too many characters in this book to count, but the characters are used so few times the only real characters would be Ron Burgundy and his neighbor. Everyone else only makes a couple of appearances. Ron Burgundy obviously being the narrator, and being the spotlight of all of his crazy stories, and the neighbor being the main character in the sub-plot of the “stolen” leaf blower.

To anyone who thinks that Susanne Collins was sexist for the portrayal of Katniss in The Hunger Games obviously either hasn’t read this book, and/or wasn’t paying any attention to the book. This book makes Collins’ portrayal of Katniss look like it was nothing. Although Ron makes fun of many different groups of people, the one he makes most fun of is women. For example, whenever he mentions his wife he could just say my beautiful wife Veronica Turner, no he has to say my wife and lover, or my wife and sex partner Veronica Turner. There is obviously a fine line that Ron passes sometimes to express his opinion about some topics, mostly about other people.

Lauren Wheeler claims that Ron Burgundy “Gets a pass because of who he is.” This statement is very agreeable, if anyone else had said any of the things that Ron has said in his story people would call them sexist, psychotic, and even a liar, but because Ron Burgundy is famous for being funny people want to believe that he really DID do these things and he can say what he wants. The only reason that this book has been published is because people know and love Ron Burgundy. Anyone who has seen either of the Anchorman movies, or just knows anything about Ron Burgundy should expect some cruel and crazy things in his memoir. Ron Burgundy is a comedian, so if he attempts to write a comedic book people will automatically think that it is going to be a funny book without even touching it.

Overall Let Me Off At The Top! IS a good book despite the frequent swearing, genital references, and verbal abuse. If anyone thinks that they have what it takes to read the book and not be too offended to throw the book out your window than you should read it. Ron Burgundy is a great actor and some would even say an even better author. If you have ever wondered, what happened to Ron Burgundy that made him so messed up, than your answer is right here. Click down here for a book trailer.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog Reflection

http://dreamweaversreadingblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/let-me-off-at-top.html All of my blog posts for English have met the two-paragraph limit. Also when the class had trouble with their blogs my blog was used as an example for other people’s blogs. One way that this post could be fixed is in the first paragraph when I give a short summary of where I am in the book, like I do in all my other posts. One thing in the post that meets the rubric is the two-paragraph limit. Another good thing that I have in my post is that I have not one, but two short quotes, one from Ron Burgundy himself and one from the New York Times. Also, at the end of the first paragraph I talk about how the book Let Me Off At The Top! is similar to the play Romeo and Juliet.

One of my many reading goals for the third trimester is to simply read more books. One of my writing goals for the third trimester, and for the rest of the time I go to school is to not give so much of a summary in my blog posts, and try to strengthen my writing vocabulary a little bit. One improvement I want to fix in the last trimester is that I want to try and read a little faster, this way I might be able to read more books. Also I want to be more consistent with my reading, some nights I might read a chapter, some nights I might read a couple of pages, and one night I might not even read at all! One improvement that I want to fix in my writing going into the last trimester is to make my posts just a little longer. Also I will try to like I said before strengthen my writing vocabulary.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blog post 9

In my book Let Me Off At The Top! The narrator Ron Burgundy in my opinion is very likable. In this book he does fit the argument of Claire Messud, by having a likable narrator, and this book is not literary at all. The book and the narrator do have a connection, because it is a memoir by Ron Burgundy, and the narrator is Run Burgundy. Also it is fictional and sadly Ron Burgundy is a fictitious character. Even though Ron Burgundy is a fake icon the way he talks in this story, and the way he presents himself makes the reader want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person.  In the book there is only one antagonist, and that is Ron Burgundy’s neighbor who stole his leaf blower. The protagonist is obviously Ron Burgundy himself. There aren’t really any other books or movies that have a similar protagonist antagonist relationship, because as of right now no one knows why the neighbor is keeping the leaf blower. Ron Burgundy just thinks that he is being a bad neighbor, but in my opinion I think that the leaf blower is really the neighbors’ and Ron Burgundy just thought it was his. Through the book there are mini antagonists in Ron Burgundy’s stories that don’t really have any effect on the book, they are just people that Ron doesn’t like, but he portrays them as the antagonist. Some of these “antagonists” are a group of Jackalopes, dinosaurs, the Incas, some Mexicans, and even in one story his own wife is the antagonist.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Let Me Off At The Top! again

Let Me Off At The Top! has not been a dissappointment. The book still continues to be filled with good laughs and weird chapters. For example the chapter i'm on is My Twelve Rules For Living Through a Prison Riot. From my first post of this book i stated that there were pictures in it, well there are more like "Mark Eaton, Utah Jazz" "My great friend who I never shut up about , Lance Bullwright" "Ancient dinosaurs like the Tyrannosaurus rex terrorized the first Mexicam peoples" and more. I think that this book would be good to anyone who is in middle school or above for the use of vulgar language and sexual content.

As I keep reading the more and more I want to recommend the book to people. Ron Burgundy is in my opinion one of the greatest and funniest writers EVER! This would be a good for someone who doesn't want a hard read, or wants to take a break from reading, but still has to read for school.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Post 8

In my mind, a book doesn’t have to be 100% true in order to be good. I actually think that sometimes twisting the truth and lying sometimes makes a book better. I think that if a book is half-true than it can still be good, it all depends on how the author sells the lie to the reader. For example, an author could have an interesting lie, but not be able to write it out so it looks good, than people will know it’s a lie, and not be interested, but if an author has a lie, and knows how to write it so it sounds believable, than people will be interested and want to keep reading. I agree with David Shields, I think that the line separating fiction from non-fiction is pointless. I think that putting a label on a book is just a waste of time, and it could cause arguments. For example, if an author writes a book intending for it to be a genre fiction book, but someone reads it and thinks that it is supposed to be a memoir, than it ruins the feel of the book, and the reader thinks of it in a completely different way than the author. I believe that what title the book is given can have a huge effect on who reads it and how it sells. If a book was sold in a bookstore where a lot of people like fiction books, but the book is a non-fiction book, than the book might not sell as well than if the book was given no title and the audience was supposed to figure out type of genre it is supposed to be. When a book is given no title than it allows the reader to kind of choose what they want the genre to be, also it could sell to a much larger variety of people.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Let Me Off At The Top!

Ron Burgundy's book Let Me Off At The Top! lives up to its expectations. Ron tells the truth when he says "I wrote one hell of a book!" So far the book has been filled with comedy on every page. This book is a book that makes you want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person and not just a character in "One of the most quotable movies ever!" (New York Times) The anchorman movies. Ron Burgundy's first love life can relate to Romeo and Juliet in a way that he is in love with a girl who is in another family that his family hates. Also one of the two people is much older than the other, just like in Romeo and Juliet where Romeo is 18 and Juliet is much younger, but in this case Ron Burgundy is younger and his lover is much older. This book is written like Ron Burgundy is actually talking to your right at that moment.

There isn't much in this book that I don't like, every page has something either very interesting, or very funny. I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the Anchorman movies, Wil Farrell fans, or just anybody who likes funny books. I would not recommend this book to a young child, because it does however have some explicity contenet an cusses frequently. Also if someone didn't know who Ron Burgundy is, than I don't think they would completelty understand the book, but still probably find it humorous. The book doesn't have any chapter numbers, but my favorite chapter is the chapter titled "My Hair" the whole chapter talks about Ron Burgundy's hair, the "9 myths" and the hair product Ron Burgundy used when he was growing up. The book is fairly new, so I don't think it is on any best sellers list, but by the end of the year I believe it has a chance to make it to the Best Hardcover Fiction list.