Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Operation Damocles

     So far I haven't gotten very far in Operation Damocles. As of now the book is pretty slow, but it isn't Doctor Sleep slow, its interesting. Doctor Sleep was interesting, but for a book of its genre it was too slow for too long. Also I am more interested in Hitler-related things, and that era in the world more than supernatural events that aren't true. One thing that really adds to the interest factor is that this is a true story. Also, the cover really stands out, people say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I think the cover is really interesting, at the top it looks like there is a map that is burning, and in the middle of that is the infamous Swastika.

     I have only gotten to chapter two so far, so nothing really dramatic has happened yet, just some people talking and a lot of narration. I predict that in the book, probably somewhere later, Egypt is going to shoot off two rockets. I know this, because on the inside cover of the book there is a map that shows Egypt aiming one rocket at Jordan (The country, not a person), and one aimed at the Mediterranean Sea. I honestly have no idea why the Egyptians would want to shoot a missile straight into the Mediterranean Sea, but I assume there is some kind of island or naval base that is "strategically" placed in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Operation Damocles

     I have stopped reading Stephen King's Doctor Sleep, I thought it was too long and i wouldn't have finished it until enior year of college. I have now moved onto a book titled Operation Damocles by Roger Howard. Just by looking at the cover I can infer that this book has to do with Egypt, Hitler, Isreal, and the Nazis.
I don't think you can read it, but right above the author's name it says "Iareal's secret war against Hitler's scientists, 1951-1967"
     I have only gotten to page four, but I have found two characters that I think are going to play a major role in this book, one of them is Dr. Kleinwachter, and the other is Tel Aviv. On the inside flap of the book, it talks about how one of Hitler's former scientists were recruited by Egypt and to create a missle that is to be launched at Isreal. Just by seeing this, I think that there is going to be a lot of action, and war, and killing. Just knowing that Hitler is involved somehow, I can already tell that there is going to be a lot of action.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More on doctor sleep

     Since now and my last post I have not gotten very far in Doctor Sleep. Earlier in the book I was introduced to a baby named Abra. My first thought was that's a weird name for a baby but my second thought was that if there is a small baby in a Stephpen King book, than something bad is going to happen. If you have seen the movie Insideous Chapter 2 than you probably would remember the piano in the house that kept playing itself. Well, pretty much that same exact thing happens in this book. What would happen is that Abra would go to bed and in the middle of the night the piano would start to play, so the parents would go check on it and there was no one there, but when they went back upstairs Sbra was wide alae in his crib just standing there. 

     Since I still haven't gotten very far in this book I think that closer to the end Dan is going to be in some kind of life and death battle with some kind of demonic creature, or maybe even Satan himself! In the mean time I think that it is going to continue to be a pretty slow book and that a few creepy things are going to happen to Abra but his parents are going to get over it and act like nothing happened even though it would be a very important detail. Another one of my theories is that sooner or later Dan is going to visit Abra somehow and he is going to find a very important detail that he keeps to himself until either he or Abra dies (which ever one comes first). I also think that Abra might be kidnapped by someone or something, or he is going to somehow get out of the picture. When I say that I mean he might hide somewhere in his house where no one can find him, or he manages to get outside and gets lost.