Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer reading assignment post 2

​        The book I am reading, the book thief, is written in first person point of view and is narrated by none other than death himself. On page twenty three, it says "The cemetery welcomed me like a friend, and soon, I was with them." At this point in the book someone important to the main character, leisel, died and she is at his burial site. In the beginning of the book, one thing that leisel doesn't want is to stay with foster parents, on page twenty eight, it says "A gang of tears trudged from her eyes as she held on and refused to go inside." One thing that leisel DOES want is, like any other person that has lost a relative, is to bring back her brother from the dead. Another thing that leisel meminger wanted was books, obviously, it says it on the cover. A possible theme for the book, is the cruelty of the nazi era. This book demonstrates the tragedy and the suffering of living in the same time period as the nazis just by showing the death of a loved one and describing the horrid living conditions of almost every corner of Europe. 

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