Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Introduction and ending: Doctor Sleep

     In the current book I am reading, Doctor Sleep, Dan Torrance has to make his way through life with a thing called "The Shining." I am now on chapter three entitled "Spoons" I have no idea what kind of role spoons would play in this kind of book, but my assumption is that they are going to be used as a tool for some kind of hypnosis. So far Dan has been doing fairly well at the sobriety classes he has been going to, everyone in his group has received a book with weird chapter titles and even weirder sub-chapter titles, like "To Wives" whatever that's supposed to mean, I have no idea.

     Nothing really exciting or mind boggling has yet to happen in the story for quite a while, so I am still waiting for that moment to come. Since the beginning the story has actually been pretty boring and I would have expected Stephen to have thrown in a another crazy scene here or there since the first chapter. For right now, I would recommend the beginning of this book to someone who likes Stephen Kings books, but I wouldn't recommend the part where I'm at unless you like slow boring books. The question in my mind is "what and when will Dan's next major encounter with 'The Shiing' be?"

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, this book sounds really cool! I've never been able to hypnotize someone. No matter how hard I try. I think that they use hypnosis to make people forget thing sometimes. Whatever. Maybe they'll just use the spoons to eat cereal or something.
