Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer Reading Assignment:Post 4

   The reason I chose this book is because I have heard many good things from my friends and family about this book. I also wanted to see the movie, and I personally like to compare a book to its movie and see how similar or different they are. I also love learning about the Nazi era, and that is exactly when this book takes place, in the heart of Nazi Germany. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a book with a little bit of comedy, mystery, action, and adventure. If not, then you would hate this book and I don't suggest that you read it. Also if you are like me and love the Nazi Germany era then this would be a good book considering the Nazis are on virtually every page, whether someone is talking about joining them, escaping them, killing them, them killing people, or just talking about a Nazi son trying to get his father to enlist with him. One thing I was afraid about when I started this book is that it would be the next Hunger Games or Divergent. At some points I can see the relationship between the stories, but overall I don't think the book was too similar to the cliche female hero in a distopian society.

Summer Reading Assignment: Post 3

     One section that I believe will "hook" a reader in The book thief is in the opening pages of the book. The reason I believe that this will hook readers is because you have to pay close attention to the book to find out who the true narrator is. I don't want to give anything away, but I will tell you that the narrator of this book is not from this world, and no one can see him until they die. It took me until the third or fourth chapter of the  book to fully understand the real narrator of the book. I, myself thought that the narrator was just some random person or some godlike figure, at one point I even considered the narrator to be Liesel Meminger herself to be telling the story in third person. One other part of this book that I felt could hook its readers was the chapter titled "A jewish fist fighter" the reason I thought could also hook a reader is because it shows the better side of Leisel's foster mother, and it shows the struggle of the jews back in that time period, not only that, but it demonstrates what people would do to keep people safe from the wrath of Hitler and his Nazi force no matter what their religion was.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer reading assignment post 2

​        The book I am reading, the book thief, is written in first person point of view and is narrated by none other than death himself. On page twenty three, it says "The cemetery welcomed me like a friend, and soon, I was with them." At this point in the book someone important to the main character, leisel, died and she is at his burial site. In the beginning of the book, one thing that leisel doesn't want is to stay with foster parents, on page twenty eight, it says "A gang of tears trudged from her eyes as she held on and refused to go inside." One thing that leisel DOES want is, like any other person that has lost a relative, is to bring back her brother from the dead. Another thing that leisel meminger wanted was books, obviously, it says it on the cover. A possible theme for the book, is the cruelty of the nazi era. This book demonstrates the tragedy and the suffering of living in the same time period as the nazis just by showing the death of a loved one and describing the horrid living conditions of almost every corner of Europe. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer Reading assignment: Post 1

In the book The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, the main character is Liesel Meminger, also known as the book thief. This book takes place in Germany, more specifically, Nazi Germany during World War 2. The conflict so far in the book is that Liesel and her family are trying to live in a time where people were hunted down and killed and/or sent to camps. The book starts with Liesel, her brother, and her mother on a train heading to a concentration camp. They were told the camp would be a good, safe place for them to live, but the trio couldn’t even make it all the way to the camp without suffering a casualty. Leisel’s brother, Werner, died on the train ride to the death camp.

I predict that once Liesel and her mother get to the concentration camp, Liesel’s mother will die soon, and Liesel will find herself alone. On the bright side I do think that she will find a friend about her same age that has had similar, if not the same thing happen to him or her. Just by looking at the title, I also predict that Liesel will get in trouble a lot at these concentration camps because of her stealing, or trying to steal books for either enjoyment, or so she can learn about how she might be able to escape alive.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Operation Damocles

     So far I haven't gotten very far in Operation Damocles. As of now the book is pretty slow, but it isn't Doctor Sleep slow, its interesting. Doctor Sleep was interesting, but for a book of its genre it was too slow for too long. Also I am more interested in Hitler-related things, and that era in the world more than supernatural events that aren't true. One thing that really adds to the interest factor is that this is a true story. Also, the cover really stands out, people say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I think the cover is really interesting, at the top it looks like there is a map that is burning, and in the middle of that is the infamous Swastika.

     I have only gotten to chapter two so far, so nothing really dramatic has happened yet, just some people talking and a lot of narration. I predict that in the book, probably somewhere later, Egypt is going to shoot off two rockets. I know this, because on the inside cover of the book there is a map that shows Egypt aiming one rocket at Jordan (The country, not a person), and one aimed at the Mediterranean Sea. I honestly have no idea why the Egyptians would want to shoot a missile straight into the Mediterranean Sea, but I assume there is some kind of island or naval base that is "strategically" placed in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Operation Damocles

     I have stopped reading Stephen King's Doctor Sleep, I thought it was too long and i wouldn't have finished it until enior year of college. I have now moved onto a book titled Operation Damocles by Roger Howard. Just by looking at the cover I can infer that this book has to do with Egypt, Hitler, Isreal, and the Nazis.
I don't think you can read it, but right above the author's name it says "Iareal's secret war against Hitler's scientists, 1951-1967"
     I have only gotten to page four, but I have found two characters that I think are going to play a major role in this book, one of them is Dr. Kleinwachter, and the other is Tel Aviv. On the inside flap of the book, it talks about how one of Hitler's former scientists were recruited by Egypt and to create a missle that is to be launched at Isreal. Just by seeing this, I think that there is going to be a lot of action, and war, and killing. Just knowing that Hitler is involved somehow, I can already tell that there is going to be a lot of action.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More on doctor sleep

     Since now and my last post I have not gotten very far in Doctor Sleep. Earlier in the book I was introduced to a baby named Abra. My first thought was that's a weird name for a baby but my second thought was that if there is a small baby in a Stephpen King book, than something bad is going to happen. If you have seen the movie Insideous Chapter 2 than you probably would remember the piano in the house that kept playing itself. Well, pretty much that same exact thing happens in this book. What would happen is that Abra would go to bed and in the middle of the night the piano would start to play, so the parents would go check on it and there was no one there, but when they went back upstairs Sbra was wide alae in his crib just standing there. 

     Since I still haven't gotten very far in this book I think that closer to the end Dan is going to be in some kind of life and death battle with some kind of demonic creature, or maybe even Satan himself! In the mean time I think that it is going to continue to be a pretty slow book and that a few creepy things are going to happen to Abra but his parents are going to get over it and act like nothing happened even though it would be a very important detail. Another one of my theories is that sooner or later Dan is going to visit Abra somehow and he is going to find a very important detail that he keeps to himself until either he or Abra dies (which ever one comes first). I also think that Abra might be kidnapped by someone or something, or he is going to somehow get out of the picture. When I say that I mean he might hide somewhere in his house where no one can find him, or he manages to get outside and gets lost. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Creative Writing post 3: Character

     The scene I chose was another scene from Act of Valor, and it is near the beginning of the movie. What happens is one of the navy Seals (Mikey) gets shot in the eye! Lucky for him the bullet didn't do any brain damge, and he had friends who made sure that he didn't die in the middle of the mission.
     The scene shows good character, because it shows how Mikey doesn't give up, and his friends don't give up on him. Also while Mikey and his friends try to keep him alive they are still trying to get a CIA agent out of a house, and she isn't able to walk due to several days of torture. Above that they are dodging bullets left and right.

Still reading Doctor Sleep

     Yes, thats right, I'm still reading Stephen King's monstrous book Doctor Sleep. If one good thing came out of reading this book besides the fact that it isn't really that bad, it is that I'm never reading a Stephen King book ever again! If you are someone like me who doesnt like extensive reading, or reading really really long books, than please don't read this book, the book is bigger than the bricks that were used to build my house!
     Besides the fact that I could use this book to start the foundation for my dream house, it isn't terrible. I have read books that are better,m and I have read books that are worse. The only thing that you as a reader need to get past is the incredible size of the thing and be able to focus and read it without daydreaming while still skimming along to the book. The one thing I don;t like about the book so far is that it is really slow. Stephen seemed to put all of the cool intense dramatic stuff in the beginning and make up some boring slow stuff for the rest of the book.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Introduction and ending: Doctor Sleep

     In the current book I am reading, Doctor Sleep, Dan Torrance has to make his way through life with a thing called "The Shining." I am now on chapter three entitled "Spoons" I have no idea what kind of role spoons would play in this kind of book, but my assumption is that they are going to be used as a tool for some kind of hypnosis. So far Dan has been doing fairly well at the sobriety classes he has been going to, everyone in his group has received a book with weird chapter titles and even weirder sub-chapter titles, like "To Wives" whatever that's supposed to mean, I have no idea.

     Nothing really exciting or mind boggling has yet to happen in the story for quite a while, so I am still waiting for that moment to come. Since the beginning the story has actually been pretty boring and I would have expected Stephen to have thrown in a another crazy scene here or there since the first chapter. For right now, I would recommend the beginning of this book to someone who likes Stephen Kings books, but I wouldn't recommend the part where I'm at unless you like slow boring books. The question in my mind is "what and when will Dan's next major encounter with 'The Shiing' be?"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Still reading Doctor Sleep

     So far in Doctor Sleep Dan hasexperienced the shining obviously. He has also gotten a jobat Teenytown and has been fired for drinking and smoking in attempt to numb the Shining. At this point he is in a hospital and was just attending a meeting for people who have addictions, Dan's obviously being brinking. He also keeps having Shinings of Deenie, and even had a dream where she found a baseball cap fille with blood in the tub which is where Deenie died in her apartment, he also saw, written in blood, the word "Red Rum" as of now I don't know what this means, but I have a feeling I will find out soon.

     So far my predictions have not been right, Dan sadly has not been in any physical altercation. My new prediction is that Dan will be doing good in his attempt to stop drinking and be able to control the Shining, but then the "True Knot" comes along and he starts having the Shining again. i also think that the word on Dan's bathroom wall in his dream (Red Rum) has something to do with Deeni's death and the Shining, because there was also that bloody hat in the bathtub, and when people found Deenie she was found dead in her bath tub. I don't know what the hat has to do with anything (probably something to do with her kid) or the blood since she died of an overdoose then drowned.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

More on Doctor Sleep

     Doctor Sleep has continued to be very interesting, and has kept a descriptive track on Dan's life. Dan at this point has gotten a Job as a maintenance man in an amusement park in a place called Teenytown. He has had one or two more experiences with the Shining, but none have been deadly or scary, just him talking to dead people. Dan has also been able to live a more alcholhol free life with the occasional smoking here and there.

     One thing that I have been getting a little upset about in the book at this point is that there isn't any action or suspense. I am a very slow part in Dan's life in my opinion. However one thing that I do like that Stephen King does is continue to show his strong vocabulary. For now this is one of the best books I have read, but it isn't one of the most exciting, or the most suspenseful. I predict that one day when Dan is in the middle of his work cleaning the park he is going to be attacked by someone throught the Shining and will want Dan to be dead afterwards. This obviously the most "school appropriate" prediction, but Stephen King has a way of coming out of no where and having some kind of fight.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Creative writing post 2: Specificity

     One scene that I really liked was one of the last scenes of Act of Valor. In the scene a man throws a grenade off a balcony in attempt to kill Navy Seals. To let his teammates survive and continue the mission one of the men, Roark, jumps on the grenade! The really sad part, aside from the fact that he died, is that his wife was about to have a baby, their first. I like what the director does in the scene by slowing everything down and having a slow heart beat in the background. The movie was based off of a true story and used real life Navy Seals so that fact intensifies the sadness factor by a lot knowing that it actually happened.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Doctor Sleep English 1-B

     Stephen King's Doctor Sleep is still one of the most interesting books I have ever read. Stephen does a good job showing Dan's life, I do not know of anyone personally who has an alcohol addiction, but what I have heard from people telling me it is just like Dan in the story. Drinks, stops finds a job, stops for a while, somehow gets dragged back in, repeat. To me the best thing about the book is how detailed Stephen king is, however this is also one of the bad things because Stephen paints a good image of whats going on, but some of the things aren't exactly "PG." The one major bad thing about the book is the length, I just don't like really long books, but so far Stephen has made me want to keep reading on.

     In this book Stephen King uses strong vocabulary, but not too strong to the point where I can't understand the book. Where I am is Dan has just decided to throw away a bottle of  "intoxicating liquids" so I think that he is going to drink again and is going to have to find another job and move to another place, but the difference is that this time somehow someone is going to try and drug his drink, someone that isn't alive. Also I predict that eventually he will find his way back the "The Knot."

An Ill-Advised Moment

A Destroyed Mailbox

It was the spring break of 2012, a warm cloudless Saturday afternoon. This was one of the only times where my spring break was at the same time as my cousin’s spring break. My two cousins (one was 15, the other was 14) and about three or four of their friends (the youngest was 14 and the oldest was 16) were all outside in one of the friends’ col-de-sacs shooting off firecrackers. We had already shot off all of the big ones and all we had were a few smaller ones.

“Hey, Drew, I dare you to tie these three together and see what happens,” One of the older friends said as they handed me three small firecrackers, one looked like a mini bottle rocket, one was in the shape of a tank even with a little army soldier inside, and the other one was one of those that looks like a plate of baby-back ribs. Him being the older and myself being the youngest, I did. I ripped out the little army dude in the cockpit of the tank, put the bottle rocket-looking one in and wrapped the rib-like one around the two and tied the fuses together. I lit it, and then I threw it as hard as I could down the road. As my creation sailed through the air, it was heading towards an old retired man’s house, and he was one of those people where no matter what was going on outside, he always had his mailbox opened.

Knowing what luck I had back then the firecracker did exactly what I didn’t want it to do, it landed in the old man’s mailbox! We all rushed to get it, but almost instantly, it exploded and left a giant hole in the mailbox. We instantly felt the heat of the small embers sitting on the mailbox. Being the boys that we were and still are to this day, we ran away as fast as we could trying to get as far away from the mailbox before the old guy woke up. Surprisingly we actually did get away, which kind of shocked me because the firecracker explosion wasn’t all that quiet, and for an old man, he wasn’t in terrible shape. The air by the mailbox smelled like melted metal as we tried to make our escape shouting out things like…

“Dude I can’t believe you actually did it!”

“That son of a b**** is going to flip once he sees that.”

“He’s going to kill you.”

 We didn’t know what to do except just sit in my cousin’s garage and laugh it off. Later that day, the guy woke up from his nap and obviously flipped out when he saw his mailbox. This wasn’t the first time we’ve done something crazy loud and/or irresponsible so he kind of knew that we did it. That next day we still wanted to have some fun with bottle rockets, so the oldest friend goes out and bought a pack. That was a bad idea. He got back and we shot a couple off, when we got to one of the last ones the bottle tipped over as we lit the rocket. To our luck it shot off and hit a bird’s nest! Ever since that day we just decided that we are not good with pyrotechnics, so that was the last time we all got together to do something like this.
One of the things that I fixed from the rough draft was I stopped rambling on about the whole day and just got to the main points. Also I fixed some generic grammar and punctuation mistakes. One last thing that I fixed from my rough draft is that I replaced some "boring" words with synonyms that sound better. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Doctor Sleep

Not getting very far in Doctor Sleep Dan has grown up to an adult and H has not made very good choices at a bar involving a "girl/woman" drugs, and "deadflies." Over night Dan went to a bar and lost his $500 somehow, he thinks it's because he got drunk and bought drugs for a girl that he ended up sleeping with. The book from the beginning hasn't been the most appropriate book I have read, but still isn't as bad as the last book I read Let me off at the Top by Ron Burgundy. I do not recommend this book to a younger reader because of its explicit writing, strong vocabulary, and the fact that it is as big as my little cousins head.
If you are into the supernatural type of book and like to read about ghosts, or just like The Shining than I think that you would like this book. Although it is a very monstrous book, and I don't like reading this book is one of my favorites, obviously after Let me off at the Top.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

English 1B Post 2: Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep is a sequel to Stephen King’s The Shining, but you don’t have to read the Shining to completely understand Doctor Sleep. I have not yet read The Shining, but I have talked to someone who has, and she has read both books, she has told me that The Shining is a story about Danny who has “the shining” and in Doctor Sleep Danny is still the main character; the two books just take place in different times of Danny’s life. So far I have liked Doctor Sleep, even though it is basically a story about the supernatural. Just like in the last book I read, Let Me off at the Top! This book has no censorship and Stephen King tries to make his book as descriptive as possible.

So far I have only been able to get to the second chapter in Doctor Sleep, and so far the first chapter is all about Danny as a kid and the second chapter is about another girl who gets initiated into what seems like a very secret very prestigious club. Also in the first chapter Danny has to fight off and “lock away” two dead people that he can see. He also pays a visit to Dick, a person that Danny knows and also has the Shining, from the looks of it Dick seems like the only person that Danny can really trust. I expect to read more about the dead people that Danny runs into, and what happens to Dick as I continue reading.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

English 1B Post 1

MY favorite book I read last rimester was by far Let Me Off At The Top! By Ron Burgundy. It is a fictional autobiography about Ron Burgunsy. It is filled with multiple genital references and stereotypes of women on almost every page of the book. On the cpver Ron says "I wrote a hell of a book." At first I thought this was just something he said to make people actually read it and not just throw it to the side. After reading onl the first chapter I can tell that even though it could be a little biased it was a bit truthful.

The book I am reading now is Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. This is the first Stephen King book I have read so I don't know what to expect in this book. I have talked to people who have read this book and the book that comes before Doctor Sleep, The Shining, and they have said that the two books are connected, but you don't have to read the first one in order to understand the second one. So what I have read in the book is a little confused, but what I do understand is that a little boy named Danny has "The Shining" which allows him to communicate with people through his mind. Also there is some sort of demonic creature that is following him and scares him to the point where Danny has to pee in the kitchen sink when he has to go to the bathroom in the middle og the night.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Book 3 review

Let Me Off At The Top! By Ron Burgundy is a fictional memoir obviously about Ron Burgundy. I recommend this book to anyone who is mature enough to handle the excessive swearing and the multiple genital references. Also anyone who likes the Anchorman movies or just anyone who like to read an easy book and laugh. The book is filled with hilarious chapter titles, one of the chapters is called My Hair and another one is How to Survive a Prison Riot. Also the book has a sub-plot where Ron Burgundy thinks that his neighbor stole his leaf blower, and he is trying to figure out why he won’t give it back.

On the cover of the book Ron Burgundy says “I wrote a hell of a book.” Not even finishing the first chapter Ron has spoken true of this statement. Ron Burgundy is an amazing author, and the best author that doesn’t really exist. How Ron wrote the book is that it sounds like Ron Burgundy is talking to you, also his writing style makes you want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person, and not just a fictitious person in a movie. Ron Burgundy has no limits to what he says in his book Let Me Off At The Top!

Lauren Wheeler has another feeling toward this book,” Is this the best book in the whole world? No. Will you enjoy it? Probably. Should you give it a chance? Yes. They’ve done studies- this book works 60% of the time, every time.” She also says, “This memoir is not for someone who is easily offended; Burgundy has insensitivity toward everyone. If you aren't a rich, white man, Burgundy is going to say something offensive and stereotypical about you.” Wheeler’s review can be agreeable to a certain extent, in which Ron Burgundy can be pretty offensive at some parts of the book, but Ron Burgundy doesn’t have an insensitivity toward everyone, just a lot of people. It would be like saying 60% of people like pizza, so everybody likes pizza.

I you asked 100 people what they thought the theme of this books was you would get 100 different responses, but if you would ask Ron Burgundy, his reply would probably go something like, “Take my advice, and you just might make it somewhere in life.” There are too many characters in this book to count, but the characters are used so few times the only real characters would be Ron Burgundy and his neighbor. Everyone else only makes a couple of appearances. Ron Burgundy obviously being the narrator, and being the spotlight of all of his crazy stories, and the neighbor being the main character in the sub-plot of the “stolen” leaf blower.

To anyone who thinks that Susanne Collins was sexist for the portrayal of Katniss in The Hunger Games obviously either hasn’t read this book, and/or wasn’t paying any attention to the book. This book makes Collins’ portrayal of Katniss look like it was nothing. Although Ron makes fun of many different groups of people, the one he makes most fun of is women. For example, whenever he mentions his wife he could just say my beautiful wife Veronica Turner, no he has to say my wife and lover, or my wife and sex partner Veronica Turner. There is obviously a fine line that Ron passes sometimes to express his opinion about some topics, mostly about other people.

Lauren Wheeler claims that Ron Burgundy “Gets a pass because of who he is.” This statement is very agreeable, if anyone else had said any of the things that Ron has said in his story people would call them sexist, psychotic, and even a liar, but because Ron Burgundy is famous for being funny people want to believe that he really DID do these things and he can say what he wants. The only reason that this book has been published is because people know and love Ron Burgundy. Anyone who has seen either of the Anchorman movies, or just knows anything about Ron Burgundy should expect some cruel and crazy things in his memoir. Ron Burgundy is a comedian, so if he attempts to write a comedic book people will automatically think that it is going to be a funny book without even touching it.

Overall Let Me Off At The Top! IS a good book despite the frequent swearing, genital references, and verbal abuse. If anyone thinks that they have what it takes to read the book and not be too offended to throw the book out your window than you should read it. Ron Burgundy is a great actor and some would even say an even better author. If you have ever wondered, what happened to Ron Burgundy that made him so messed up, than your answer is right here. Click down here for a book trailer.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog Reflection All of my blog posts for English have met the two-paragraph limit. Also when the class had trouble with their blogs my blog was used as an example for other people’s blogs. One way that this post could be fixed is in the first paragraph when I give a short summary of where I am in the book, like I do in all my other posts. One thing in the post that meets the rubric is the two-paragraph limit. Another good thing that I have in my post is that I have not one, but two short quotes, one from Ron Burgundy himself and one from the New York Times. Also, at the end of the first paragraph I talk about how the book Let Me Off At The Top! is similar to the play Romeo and Juliet.

One of my many reading goals for the third trimester is to simply read more books. One of my writing goals for the third trimester, and for the rest of the time I go to school is to not give so much of a summary in my blog posts, and try to strengthen my writing vocabulary a little bit. One improvement I want to fix in the last trimester is that I want to try and read a little faster, this way I might be able to read more books. Also I want to be more consistent with my reading, some nights I might read a chapter, some nights I might read a couple of pages, and one night I might not even read at all! One improvement that I want to fix in my writing going into the last trimester is to make my posts just a little longer. Also I will try to like I said before strengthen my writing vocabulary.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blog post 9

In my book Let Me Off At The Top! The narrator Ron Burgundy in my opinion is very likable. In this book he does fit the argument of Claire Messud, by having a likable narrator, and this book is not literary at all. The book and the narrator do have a connection, because it is a memoir by Ron Burgundy, and the narrator is Run Burgundy. Also it is fictional and sadly Ron Burgundy is a fictitious character. Even though Ron Burgundy is a fake icon the way he talks in this story, and the way he presents himself makes the reader want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person.  In the book there is only one antagonist, and that is Ron Burgundy’s neighbor who stole his leaf blower. The protagonist is obviously Ron Burgundy himself. There aren’t really any other books or movies that have a similar protagonist antagonist relationship, because as of right now no one knows why the neighbor is keeping the leaf blower. Ron Burgundy just thinks that he is being a bad neighbor, but in my opinion I think that the leaf blower is really the neighbors’ and Ron Burgundy just thought it was his. Through the book there are mini antagonists in Ron Burgundy’s stories that don’t really have any effect on the book, they are just people that Ron doesn’t like, but he portrays them as the antagonist. Some of these “antagonists” are a group of Jackalopes, dinosaurs, the Incas, some Mexicans, and even in one story his own wife is the antagonist.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Let Me Off At The Top! again

Let Me Off At The Top! has not been a dissappointment. The book still continues to be filled with good laughs and weird chapters. For example the chapter i'm on is My Twelve Rules For Living Through a Prison Riot. From my first post of this book i stated that there were pictures in it, well there are more like "Mark Eaton, Utah Jazz" "My great friend who I never shut up about , Lance Bullwright" "Ancient dinosaurs like the Tyrannosaurus rex terrorized the first Mexicam peoples" and more. I think that this book would be good to anyone who is in middle school or above for the use of vulgar language and sexual content.

As I keep reading the more and more I want to recommend the book to people. Ron Burgundy is in my opinion one of the greatest and funniest writers EVER! This would be a good for someone who doesn't want a hard read, or wants to take a break from reading, but still has to read for school.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Post 8

In my mind, a book doesn’t have to be 100% true in order to be good. I actually think that sometimes twisting the truth and lying sometimes makes a book better. I think that if a book is half-true than it can still be good, it all depends on how the author sells the lie to the reader. For example, an author could have an interesting lie, but not be able to write it out so it looks good, than people will know it’s a lie, and not be interested, but if an author has a lie, and knows how to write it so it sounds believable, than people will be interested and want to keep reading. I agree with David Shields, I think that the line separating fiction from non-fiction is pointless. I think that putting a label on a book is just a waste of time, and it could cause arguments. For example, if an author writes a book intending for it to be a genre fiction book, but someone reads it and thinks that it is supposed to be a memoir, than it ruins the feel of the book, and the reader thinks of it in a completely different way than the author. I believe that what title the book is given can have a huge effect on who reads it and how it sells. If a book was sold in a bookstore where a lot of people like fiction books, but the book is a non-fiction book, than the book might not sell as well than if the book was given no title and the audience was supposed to figure out type of genre it is supposed to be. When a book is given no title than it allows the reader to kind of choose what they want the genre to be, also it could sell to a much larger variety of people.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Let Me Off At The Top!

Ron Burgundy's book Let Me Off At The Top! lives up to its expectations. Ron tells the truth when he says "I wrote one hell of a book!" So far the book has been filled with comedy on every page. This book is a book that makes you want to believe that Ron Burgundy is a real person and not just a character in "One of the most quotable movies ever!" (New York Times) The anchorman movies. Ron Burgundy's first love life can relate to Romeo and Juliet in a way that he is in love with a girl who is in another family that his family hates. Also one of the two people is much older than the other, just like in Romeo and Juliet where Romeo is 18 and Juliet is much younger, but in this case Ron Burgundy is younger and his lover is much older. This book is written like Ron Burgundy is actually talking to your right at that moment.

There isn't much in this book that I don't like, every page has something either very interesting, or very funny. I would recommend this book to anyone who liked the Anchorman movies, Wil Farrell fans, or just anybody who likes funny books. I would not recommend this book to a young child, because it does however have some explicity contenet an cusses frequently. Also if someone didn't know who Ron Burgundy is, than I don't think they would completelty understand the book, but still probably find it humorous. The book doesn't have any chapter numbers, but my favorite chapter is the chapter titled "My Hair" the whole chapter talks about Ron Burgundy's hair, the "9 myths" and the hair product Ron Burgundy used when he was growing up. The book is fairly new, so I don't think it is on any best sellers list, but by the end of the year I believe it has a chance to make it to the Best Hardcover Fiction list.

Monday, January 27, 2014


I think readicide is affecting schools, because with each generation more and more kids start to not enjoy reading. I think that schools should teach literary fiction, but I also think that with every literary fiction book the school reads they should throw in a commercial fiction novel. This teaches the students the difference between the two types of novels, and they students still get the literary fiction, and a book that the student probably likes better. Also when a student is has to read a specific book for class, they usually not liking it because they didn’t choose it, someone chose it for them. I think a 21st century English book should have the right amount of humor, drama, action, and should have a little bit of suspense to keep the student reading. These are some things that students like to read about nowadays, and if more books were like this, than more people would probably like to buy more books. Also not every student likes the same type of book. If one book had more of a variety of themes in it than another, the book with more variety might sell better, because more and more people would be able to relate and there would be parts of the book with a theme that the reader especially likes. Also I think one reason why some people choose one book over another is because of the size. A good 21st century book probably wouldn’t have a ton of pages under one cover, but it would probably be broken up into a series, this way the books are smaller, and more people would want to motivate themselves to finish the whole series. A 21st century book would also probably be written by a popular author that a lot of people know like Stephen King, this way fans of his books would want to read another book written by him.

Let me off at the top! English 1A

Let me off at the top is a memoir about the life of Ron Burgundy. Without even openning the book I could tell it was probably going to be funny, one reason in being it is a memoir by Ron Burgundy, another reason is that ron says "I wrote on hell of a book!" Also on the back of the book, it says "My name is Ron Burgundy and what you have in your hands is a very big deal. It's my life. It's my words. It's my gift to you. On the inside of the book it is filled with pictures of "Lucretia. My finest broadsword" "Sir Humphrey. The greatest gamecock that ever enterdd a cockpit" "My great friend who I never shut up about, Lance Bullwright." "Ancient dinosaurs like the tyrannosarus rex terrorize the first mexican peoples." and more!

I only got to finish the first chapter, but what I've read so far is just Ron Burgundy talking about why he is writing a book, and the struggles of writing a book. The hard cover book also comes with a poster of Ron Burgundy's famous mustache. At one point in the first chapter Ron Burgundy shares a conversation he had with himself to help him think about what he's like. One thing that makes this book funnier than most books is that it is written from the perspective of ron Burgundy, not Will Farrell.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Argo Bell 1

Argo is about the American embassy being attacked by the Iranians, in this process six people were able to escape from the commotion, and find refuge at the Canadian embassy. The whole book and movie is about getting these people out of Tehran. The CIA has brainstormed ideas, but nothing good comes to mind. One night Kevin Harkins (Tony Mendez) talks to his son on the phone while watching planet of the apes on tv. Tony then gets an idea where if the CIA and Hollywood worked together to put together a fake movie and sneak the six Americans out of Tehran and into a safe zone in Turkey.

The CIA says that this is their "Best worst idea" and that they don't really have any other better option. The book is much more detail oriented than the movie, so the book is a bit slower than the movie. I recommend seeing the movie over reading the book, because I think the movie is easier to understand, and has a better flow to it. What makes the book and the movie interesting is that it is a true story. Everything that happened in the book and movie takes place in the 1970's, but the reason this story wasn't introduced until 2012 is because the CIA has been keeping it a secret from the American people.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog post 5 Best sellers

 Some challenges a filmmaker would have making the book into a movie would be to find the right destination and all of the Iranian- speaking actors. One thing that would have to be changed making Argo into a movie would be to not make it so detailed. In the movie, when the Americans escape the American embassy it never shows one large group breaking off into two, and the press conference and script-reading comes in the middle movie.I feel that the movie has a better flow to it than the book.

One scene that must be kept in Argo is the beginning scene where the Iranians attack the American embassy. This is how the movie starts, and I think it is very vital that this is the movie, because if the embassy was never attacked, then there would be no reason for the Americans to be saved, and there will be no Argo.Also it would need to keep the scene where the two groups of Americans escape and look for help. In this movie, this scene is kept, but it is altered. In the movie there is only one group that you see escape the embassy, and they never split up.One last scene that should be put in the movie is when the two groups break off and one of the groups get caught by the Iranian militia. I think it would be very interesting to see another group of Americans try to escape the embassy but get caught by the Iranians. This would show the big risk of trying to slip past the Iranians.

 One part that should be kept out of the movie is in the beginning when Mendez is painting in his house. This scene has hardly any importance in the book, so I don't think that it would have any more importance in the movie.Also another part that should be kept out of the movie out is When the CIA tries to convince Mendez to join the CIA. I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring this up in the movie, but I don't think that this should be it's own scene in the movie.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Room: final blog

Jack and Ma do eventually escape Room by composing a two-part plan to trick Old Nick. How the plan went is that the first part consisted of Jack pretending he was sick. How Ma and Jack pulled this off is by covering his face in hot towels, smear vomit on his clothes, face coughing, and not bathing. The second part of the plan was Jack pretending to be dead. How they dd this was Ma wrapped Jack in a rug and acted like died by some disease. This would cause Old Nick to go bury him. But once Jack would get into Old Nick's truck and made a stop, he jumped out and instantly looked for help.

Jack did find a man who helped him. Jack and the stranger got contacted with the police who found Old Nick and arrested him, the police also found Old Nick's shed and freed Ma. Jack and Ma then stay at a hospital where they get all new clothes, food, water, toys, and where Jack meets his grandparents and his uncle. Because Jack his spent his entire life in this shed, he has no idea what the real world is like, so all he wants to do in this hospital us stare out the window and watch a little cat in the alley and watch cars drive past. Ma tries to take Jack outside, but that doesn't last for long until Jack gets petrified and wants to go back inside.